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Your Own Personal Home Office Built for You

Indoor & Outdoor Home Transformations

Quality. Precision. Care.

A Division of Guthrie Residential Builders Inc.

Licensed Residential Contractor with 2-5-10 Pacific Warranty

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Realize Your Property’s Full Potential

Enhancing your everyday environment has never been easier or more affordable. When your home or business needs a facelift, we’re here to help. CoreVal Homes proudly offers Backyard Studios, home renovation and improvement services for clients throughout British Columbia. Well-known for our premium-quality backyard studios and offices, our company has expanded to include a comprehensive range of interior and exterior services for homes and commercial properties in the Greater Vancouver Area. Our industry professionals have the tools, talent, and experience to bring your ideas to a stunning reality! Explore our advanced design and precision construction services and launch your next project today.

Designed From Your Ideas

Whether you need extra office space, more room for your creative interests, or a safe place for your kids to play, we’ll provide the innovative solutions you need to create the most ideal space. Our home renovation and improvement services at CoreVal Homes are specifically designed to accommodate your unique needs while remaining well within your budget. We bring a wealth of experience to specialized improvement services such as building backyard studios, installing wood or composite decks, expanding existing rooms, installing new flooring, installing siding, replacing fences and much more. Whatever your lifestyle demands, we’ll carefully craft a stress-free plan to achieve your vision down to the last detail. Build the ideal space that complements your property and adds more convenience to your everyday life!

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Thoughtfully-Built Backyard Studios

We don’t just build structures. At CoreVal Homes, we’re passionate about creating functional and beautiful living and working spaces for those who desire a private, peaceful, and tranquil home away from home. As the need to have extra space grows, we’re proud to offer elegant, beautifully finished backyard studios and home improvement services tailored to your lifestyle and budget. Learn more and customize your new studio today.

Customer Reviews

Get in Touch Today!

115 Schoolhouse Street, Unit #304
  Coquitlam, BC V3K 6V9


Monday – Friday: 9:00 AM – 7:00 PM
Saturday – Sunday: 10:00 AM – 3:00 PM