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About CoreVal Homes

At CoreVal Homes, we’re passionate about home improvement. We are a professional backyard studio, home renovation, and improvement company proudly serving our local communities throughout British Columbia. Carlos, brings a wealth of industry knowledge and expertise to our operation, cultivating a culture of integrity, transparency, and world-class customer service. Carlos has gained 25 years of experience managing and directing businesses, now utilizing his business savvy and entrepreneurship to expand our development, influence, and capacity.

As our company continues to grow rapidly, we’ve had the pleasure of helping many homeowners and commercial property managers enhance the environments in which they live and work every day. The core of our company, building multi-functional backyard studios, has evolved to include an impressive array of specialized renovation solutions, from additions, remodeling, flooring, siding, fencing, custom decks, and much more. If you’re interested in upgrading the style and value of your property, we’re here to deliver results that make a statement. Learn more and get in touch with us today.

home improvement worker

Interior & Exterior Improvement Experts

Our contractors at CoreVal Homes bring decades of combined industry experience to British Columbia’s home improvement landscape. Over the years, we have established a reputation for designing and building fully-powered backyard homes and offices, and now we offer a comprehensive suite of professional interior and exterior services for both homes and businesses in the Greater Vancouver Area. Streamline the functionality of your interior space and optimize your home’s durability and performance with our custom solutions tailored to your lifestyle and budget. Bring all your ideas, and we’ll bring the finest in design innovation.

Quality. Precision. Care.

Whether you’re looking for a quiet, private, functional and peaceful space to accommodate the demands of your work-from-home lifestyle or planning a project to update your interior living environment, get the precision craftsmanship and quality service you and your property deserve. At CoreVal Homes, we believe creating the ideal space should be an enjoyable, effortless, and affordable process. That’s why we approach every project with the utmost care and attention to detail to help homeowners and businesses realize their property’s full potential. Explore our project gallery to learn more about our advanced design and construction capabilities and get inspired today!

Launch Your Project Today

Backyard Studios Renovations